
A Collection of Best Students' Research Works in 2006-2009 printed

The suggested publication is a special volume of scholarly journal "Holocaust: Contemporary Research. Studies in Ukraine and the World". The volume is devoted to the Xth All-Ukrainian Competition of Students' Research and Art Works "History and Lessons of the Holocaust" (2009-2010) which is one of the most important annual educational activities of Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies. This journal represents a collection of students' research works submitted for the competition for the past three years (2006-2009). These are all prize-winning research contributions, total 16 in number, that were presented on the past three competitions and gained the highest jury evaluation (1-3 places). The works of young researchers touch upon various aspects of historical fate of Ukrainian Jews in WWII, history of the Holocaust in Ukraine. The suggested edition will be important first of all for senior grade students of secondary educational establishments of Ukraine, who are interested in XX century history and plan to apply for the following competitions in Holocaust studies, as well as for everyone interested in the topic.


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