
ISSUE № 1(15) (2017)






Карел Беркгоф
«Трупи у яру належали жінкам, чоловікам та дітям»: письмові свідчення 1941 року про вбивство у Бабиному Яру 
Karel C. Berkhoff 
'The Corpses in the Ravine Were Women, Men, and Children': Written Testimonies from 1941 on the Babyn Yar Massacre 

Тетяна Бородіна
Стратегії поведінки місцевого населення Полтавщини під час Голокосту (1941–1943) 
Tetiana Borodina 
Behavioral strategies of the local population in the Poltava region during the Holocaust, 1941-43. 

Філіп Бусау
«Ніхто не забутий»? Пам’ять про геноцид ромів у Білорусі 
Filip Busau 
„No one is forgotten?“ Remembering the Roma genocide in Belarus 

Олеся Ісаюк
«Кров Макавеїв» і «циганська скрипка в угорській пушті»: геноцид євреїв і ромів у спогадах членів ОУН, ув’язнених у Аушвіці 
Olesia Isaiuk 
“Maccabees’ blood” and “Gypsy violin in Hungarian steppe”: Genocide of Jews and Roma in the memoirs of OUN members imprisoned in Auschwitz 


Леонід Коган
Steffler, Reinhard. Die deutsche Feuerwehr und ihre Helfer als Teil der Etappensicherung in der Ukraine 1941 bis 1943. – Dessau: Machtwortverlag, 2017. – 222 s. 

Роман Михальчук
Бердз, Джеффрі. Голокост у Рівному: масове вбивство в Сосонках, листопад 1941 р. / Пер. з англ. Д. Аладька. – Рівне: Волинські обереги, 2017. – 168 с. 

Владимир Солонарь
Geissbühler, Simon (ed.). Romania and the Holocaust. Events – Contexts – Aftermath. – Stuttgart: Ibidem-Verlag, 2016. – 274 p. 


Вольга Барташ
Научная конференция «Поледствия геноцида ромов. Семьи как трансляторы опыта и памяти» (Tracing the Legacies of the Roma Genocide. Families as Transmitters of Experience and Memory), 20–21 сентября 2017 г., Прага 


Пам’яті Ніколая Бессонова (1962-2017) 




Latest News

  • Research and methodological seminar for educators in Lviv

    On 15-16 June, we met with more than twenty participants - mostly teachers from Lviv - to discuss the memory of the Holocaust, other cases of genocide on Ukrainian territory, and the current challenges of working with these topics.

  • History of genocides in Ukraine: studying the experience and challenges of the present. Seminar in Kyiv

    On 12-13 June, a research and methodological French-Ukrainian seminar History of genocides in Ukraine: studying the experience and challenges of the present was held in Kyiv. It was organised by the Shoah Memorial (Paris) and the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies (Kyiv) with the support of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies.

  • Educational Materials “Nazi Genocide against Roma in Ukraine, 1941-1944”

    The tragic fate of Roma people during WWII still remains largely unknown in Ukraine and generally in Europe. The new educational materials play an important role in returning Roma history and culture into the history and culture of modern Ukraine, unveiling Roma cultural heritage and the tragic events of WWII genocide against them.

  • (No) Children’s Stories Exhibition returned to Chernivtsi

    In May-June 2024, Chernivtsi once again invited the interactive exhibition (No) Children’s Stories. This time, it was hosted by Chernivtsi Gymnasium No. 17, and initiated by history and law teacher Varvara Bodnariuk. The students of 7-9 grades volunteered to host the exhibition and during the month of the event, they gave tours to more than 400 people, including students from their school, other schools in the city, and even the mayor of Chernivtsi and a foreign delegation from Dusseldorf (Germany) with the mayor of the city.

  • Learning From The Past - Acting For The Future seminar

    On 18-19 May, the seminar Learning from the Past - Acting for the Future was held in Kyiv. It was a joint event of The Olga Lengyel Institute, New York, and the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, funded by the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights.

