
Round Tables

  • Studying the history of the Holocaust tragedy in the Academy of the State Penitentiary Service: Relevance, Opportunities and Challenges

    On 2 May 2024, the Penitentiary Academy of Ukraine in Chernihiv hosted a roundtable discussion "Studying the History of the Holocaust Tragedy in the Academy: Relevance, Opportunities, and Challenges", which was joined by scholars and students of the Academy, Director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, PhD Anatolii Podolskyi; Head of the Jewish Community of Chernihiv Oleksandr Chevan; and representative of the Jewish Museum in Krakow Viktoria Mudrytska.

  • Public lecture at H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University

    On April 25, 2024, Anatolii Podolskyi will give an online public lecture at the Educational and Methodological Centre of the Faculty of History and Law of H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University on the topic "Threats of Totalitarianism Today. Theoretical and methodological aspects" 

  • The banality of evil: from Auschwitz to Mariupol

    The YouTube channel "10 Questions to a Historian" featured an interview about the history of the Auschwitz death camp, which has become an undisputed symbol of Nazi crimes in World War II. This is the story of how some people (including educated and seemingly mentally healthy people) killed other people on a scale and systematic basis that had never been seen before. The "banality of evil" was that the virtue of loyalty turned bureaucrats into committed genocide performers.

  • Threats of totalitarianism today. Public lecture

    On 2 April 2024, a public lecture by historian Anatolii Podolskyi, Head of the UCHS, was held at the Kyiv Cooperative Institute of Business and Law. Threats of totalitarianism today. Comparison of the Nazi crimes and modern russian ideology in the war against Ukraine was the topic.

  • The Zone of Interest by Jonathan Glazer

    In February 2024, the British director Jonathan Glazer's feature film Zone of Interest was released in Ukraine. The film describes the horrors of the Holocaust without ever showing it.

  • Ukrainian Society and Holocaust Remembrance: The Experience of the Modern War Against Ukraine

    On Friday 26 January 2024, on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the XVII annual roundtable discussion "Ukrainian Society and Holocaust Remembrance: The Experience of the Modern War Against Ukraine" was held in Kyiv.

  • Local Studies of Multicultural History in Volyn

    On August 10, a lecture by historian Petro Dolganov "Local Studies of Multicultural History in Volyn. Presentation of a case study on the history of the Holocaust in Holoby and Melnytsia" will be held online.
    The lecture is devoted to the fate of Jews during the Nazi occupation of two small settlements in Volyn: Holob and Melnytsia. We are also planning to discuss the peculiarities of the social dynamics of the Holocaust, the attitudes of the non-Jewish population of these settlements (Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, and others) toward the events of the Holocaust.


  • "The Stalinist regime is co-responsible for the Holocaust" Interview on Suspilne Kultura

    In the edition of the program "Cultural Instinct" on the Public Television (Suspilne Kultura), Dr. Anatolii Podolskyi, Director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, gave an interview to the journalist and TV presenter Sofia Chelyak. It was about the problems of falsification, the use of the historical past for anti-Ukrainian political goals by our enemy, russia, during the modern war. The range of questions during the interview was quite broad and touched on the problem of the origins of anti-Semitism, why the Stalinist regime was co-responsible for the Holocaust and how russian propaganda instrumentalizes the history of the Jews of Ukraine today.

  • Forum of Ukraine Moderna magazine: Holocaust in Ukraine

    In 2023, the international intellectual magazine "Ukraine Moderna" is preparing a special issue of the magazine: "Holocaust in Ukraine Forum: how the history of the crime is (not) written". 

  • Events within the international project "Memory Network" in the local history museum of Okhtyrka

    On February 20, "DOCUpanorama" film club was opened in the museum. Spectators were representatives of the city's Jewish community, residents of Okhtyrka. The film "Wordless" directed by Anna Malakhova and Anna Dorozhko was on, the project's historical consultant was Andriy Usach. This film is about the Holocaust and the culture of memory.

  • International exhibition "Defenders"

    On February 22, on the anniversary of the full-scale invasion of Russia on the territory of Ukraine, our partners, the National Museum of the History of Ukraine in the Second World War, presented the exhibition project "Defenders".

  • The russian War against Ukraine. Consequences for the Politics of Memory

    On February 14, 2023, the Jewish Museum Berlin invites you to a discussion with the German Minister of State for Culture, Claudia Roth, Dr. Andrea Despot, Dr. Anatolii Podolskyi (joins online) and Floriane Azolay. Since the end of February2022, russia has been waging a war of aggression against Ukraine in violation of international law. In the shadow of the acute humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine, another threat is looming: the fundamental instrumentalization of history.

  • The XVI Round Table "Ukrainian society and the memory of the Holocaust: the experience of modern war against Ukraine"

    On the 27th of January 2023 Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and Goethe-Institut in Ukraine under the support of the project of the Dusseldorf Jewish Community "Learning to remember" held the XVI annual round table discussion  "Ukrainian society and the memory of the Holocaust: the experience of modern war against Ukraine".

  • Ukrainian society and the memory of the Holocaust: experience of modern war against Ukraine

    On January 27, 2023, on the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the 16th round table "Ukrainian society and the memory of the Holocaust: the experience of modern war against Ukraine" will be held in the premises of the the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. 

  • Round table “Jewish studies during the russian aggression: views from Ukraine and the USA”

    On January 15, 2023, the Center for Interethnic Relations Research is holding a round table "Jewish Studies during the russian aggression: Views from Ukraine and the USA". 

  • Collection of testimonies from educators about Russian aggression and the war in Ukraine

    Since the full-scale invasion of russia, the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies tries to continue its educational activities, as well as all the time supports our colleagues, educators from the whole country. Our space was filled with numerous stories about the new and difficult experience that we all have to live through. We could not stay aside from these stories, and that is why in September we started a new project to collect testimonies from Ukrainian teachers and university lecturers, graduates of the programs and projects of the UCHS, about the current Russian-Ukrainian war. We are implementing this project with the support of the Documenting Ukraine program by the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna.

  • "Modern Russia is a solid concentration camp." Interview on "Hromadske"

    Interview with Anatolii Podolskyi on Hromadske.  A conversation about the importance of preserving historical and cultural memory and why it was impossible during the communist dictatorship in Ukraine?  During the interview, the issues of historical memory of the Second World War and the history of the Holocaust were discussed.  Why is it important to preserve historical and cultural memory and why does historical memory help us now to resist the enemy who wants to destroy our national and cultural identity?

  • “These are two different lives”. Interview with professor M. Gon – AFU volunteer.

    We offer you to watch the interview with Maksym Gon, doctor of political sciences and professor of the Rivne State University of Humanities, a good friend and partner of UCHS. From the very beginning of the full-scale war Maksym Gon signed up as a volunteer to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We believe that we will see him in the audience as a lecturer as soon as possible. To the victory! We thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine!

  • International Round Table “Memory about the Holocaust: Educational Approaches and Ways of Further Development in the Modern Ukraine”

    International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) is an international body that supports national and international activities on Holocaust research, education and commemoration. Today the Alliance counts 31 member-states; 8 more countries are observers – a status which Ukraine too aims to gain.

  • Annual ICHEIC Forum in Jerusalem

    The Annual ICHEIC Forum in Yad Vashem will take place on 14-17th February 2010. During the Forum a wide range of topics pertaining to Holocaust education will be examined to ultimately work towards the creation of an active network of educators contributing to the Holocaust education in Europe. Participants in the ICHEIC Forum are European representatives of institutions working in the field of Holocaust education, who have the opportunity for discourse during discussions and in an exchange of ideas.


Latest News

  • Research and methodological seminar for educators in Lviv

    On 15-16 June, we met with more than twenty participants - mostly teachers from Lviv - to discuss the memory of the Holocaust, other cases of genocide on Ukrainian territory, and the current challenges of working with these topics.

  • History of genocides in Ukraine: studying the experience and challenges of the present. Seminar in Kyiv

    On 12-13 June, a research and methodological French-Ukrainian seminar History of genocides in Ukraine: studying the experience and challenges of the present was held in Kyiv. It was organised by the Shoah Memorial (Paris) and the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies (Kyiv) with the support of the Kuras Institute of Political and Ethnic Studies.

  • Educational Materials “Nazi Genocide against Roma in Ukraine, 1941-1944”

    The tragic fate of Roma people during WWII still remains largely unknown in Ukraine and generally in Europe. The new educational materials play an important role in returning Roma history and culture into the history and culture of modern Ukraine, unveiling Roma cultural heritage and the tragic events of WWII genocide against them.

  • (No) Children’s Stories Exhibition returned to Chernivtsi

    In May-June 2024, Chernivtsi once again invited the interactive exhibition (No) Children’s Stories. This time, it was hosted by Chernivtsi Gymnasium No. 17, and initiated by history and law teacher Varvara Bodnariuk. The students of 7-9 grades volunteered to host the exhibition and during the month of the event, they gave tours to more than 400 people, including students from their school, other schools in the city, and even the mayor of Chernivtsi and a foreign delegation from Dusseldorf (Germany) with the mayor of the city.

  • Learning From The Past - Acting For The Future seminar

    On 18-19 May, the seminar Learning from the Past - Acting for the Future was held in Kyiv. It was a joint event of The Olga Lengyel Institute, New York, and the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, funded by the Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights.
