
Teaching materials against discrimination, xenophobia and anti-Semitism published in Ukraine

Kiev. In March 2008 teaching materials for Ukrainian high school students on the topics of xenophobia, anti-Semitism and racism have been published.
Being part of an international project initiated by the OSCE/ODIHR and the Anne Frank House the materials have been adapted for use in schools in several countries and are available in the official language of each partner state. In each case they were prepared and adapted with experts from the countries concerned, namely the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and the association "Nova Doba" for Ukraine.

The materials are issued in a package of three parts covering three main themes:
1. The history of Jews in Europe and anti-Semitism until 1945
2. Contemporary anti-Semitism in Europe today
3. Prejudices, discrimination, racism and anti-Semitism

Besides translating the materials from English to Ukrainian, Vitalii Bobrov, Oleksander Voytenko and Anatoly Podolsky from the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies and "Nova Doba" also added to the materials by including the topics of Ukrainian history.

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