
The 8th annual round-table discussion "Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects"

Запрошуємо до участі у Восьмому щорічному круглому столі «Українське суспільство і пам'ять про Голокост: наукові та освітні аспекти», що відбудеться 27 січня 2015 р. Організаторами Круглого столу виступають Український центр вивчення історії Голокосту, Goethe-We take the pleasure of inviting you to the 8th annual round-table discussion "Holocaust Commemoration and the Ukrainian Society: Research and Educational Aspects" to take place on 27 January 2015 in Kyiv on the initiative of Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies, Goethe-Institut Ukraine and in partnership with the Embassy of the State of Israel in Ukraine. The discussion aims at fostering exchange on historical memory about the events of the Holocaust and producing recommendations for teaching about this topic in Ukraine. Among the questions to be discussed are: perspectives and challenges for Holocaust studies in Ukraine today, approaches and issues of teaching about the Holocaust, historical memory about, ways of combating modern anti-Semitism and xenophobia etc.
At 17.00 the discussion will be followed by the presentation of the Ukrainian edition of the book by Norwegian journalist and historian Bjorn Westlie “My Faher’s War” about the Norwegian volunteers to German SS and their crimes on the occupied Ukrainian territories. The presentation will be led by the author.

[More information here]

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