
“Learn from the Past - Act for the Future”. Teaching about the Holocaust history and human rights. Research and methodological seminar

The aim of the seminar-school is to improve the educational level of teaching about the Holocaust history and human rights in Ukraine. The program gives an opportunity to combine Ukrainian and international experience in teaching these topics and to reason the relevance of the historical events for the present
The seminar-school consists of 5-day intensive program aimed at the multipliers, middle and high school teachers. The future participants of the school have to demonstrate some teaching experience about the Holocaust as well as the motivation to continue teaching about the Holocaust and human rights after taking part in the school. After the seminar-school all the participants will be able to apply for the mini-grants for implementation of their ideas of the educational projects along with their students and for informing students of their schools and localities about learned information.

[Registration form (in Ukrainian)]

Deadline: September 23, 2019

Participation is free of charge. Participants have to arrive and depart from the place of the seminar-school at their own expense.

[Detailed information (in Ukraine)]

Contact details: uhcenter@holocaust.kiev.ua telephone number +380442859030.

The seminar is a joint event of  [The Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies and Human Rights - TOLI] and the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studie.

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