
Educational seminar-summer school on the Holocaust history in Ukraine, Lutsk

Educational seminar-summer school on the Holocaust history in Ukraine took place in Lutsk. As usual during the seminar participants attended lectures on the following topics: peculiarities of the Holocaust history in European context (Anatolii Podolskyi), approach to the Holocaust history teaching in Yad Vashem's International School for Holocaust Studies (Noah Sigal), Ukrainian-Jewish relations in the interwar period (Anatolii Podolskyi, Nadiia Ufimtseva), characteristics of the occupational propaganda on the Ukrainian territories (Mykhailo Tyaglyy), attitude of non-Jewish population towards occupational regime and its crimes, local auxiliary services and Holocaust (Andrii Usach), female stories of Holocaust and genocide (Nadiia Ufimtseva), Volyn tragedy in a context of a mass violence in the Second World War (Oksana Kalishchuk), comparison of Nazi and Stalinist crimes, crimes against humanity and against memory (Andrii Kozytskyi). The seminar included workshops and master-classes on the oral history research (Nataliia Otrishchenko), work with diaries and interactive resource “Babyn Yar: Memory Against History’s Background” (Vitalii Bobrov, Olha Limonova). Participants also shared their experiences about teaching of the Holocaust history in school and other places. At the time of the seminar two sites of memory were visited by the group - one in Ostrozhets and one in Lutsk. Ivan Kulniev conducted a workshop based on the exhibition “Soviet experiment. Exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution and to 80 years of the Great Terror in the USSR in collages” in a city library. On the last day participants, organizers and invited lecturers took part in a discussion on the memory about Holocaust in today’s Ukraine. At the end all participants received certificates, books about the history of the Holocaust and methodological handbooks. The seminar-school was carried out by the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies (UCHS) in cooperation with Yad Vashem (Jerusalem) with the support of the Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of Ukraine (Vaad of Ukraine) and the Embassy of the State of Israel to Ukraine.

[Photo gallery]

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